QFS applies advanced water treatment technology to Food & Beverage industry
First phase: 40 000l/hour
In 2010 QFS was awarded the tender to apply advanced water treatment technology to the Food & Beverage industry at a bottled water company in Heidelberg. QFS successfully installed a Memcor Ultrafiltration Plant that delivered 40 000l water/per hour. The unit is easy to operate and once it’s in service, operation is automated based on water demand. An automatic backwash is carried out when necessary, typically every 20 to 60 minutes of filtration, depending on feed water quality. A Clean in Place (CIP) system allows chemical cleaning cycles to be automatically performed on the unit when required. The plant is a huge success and has been running smoothly in operation for 7 years now.
Second phase water treatment technology: another 40 000l/hour added
QFS was contacted again in 2016 for negotiations to expand the plant to double its capacity. The client was still so pleased with the first Memcor Ultrafiltration plant that they opted to use the same water treatment technology. QFS offered the new and improved Memcor CPII Ultrafiltration membranes. The design allows disassembly of individual module housings to remove the modules inside them without dismantling the module array or the pipework connected to it.
QFS applied their specialised skills to design, manufacture, install, commission, maintain and support the plant. The plant has helped the client to meet their efficient water demand for bottling.

First phase 40 000l/hour (left) and Second phase another 40 000l/hour (right)