Panel Discussion in Water & Sanitation Africa Magazine – Nov/Dec 2016

What products does QFS provide in a packaged plant option and what applications are they used for?

HS QFS provides mostly membrane-based equipment in package plant format. Membranes are used for applications from seawater desalination to industrial water purification. The modular nature of our Memcor ultrafiltration (UF) technology makes it particularly suitable for package plant configurations.

How do your technologies, the GEM product in particular, stand out when compared to more traditional approaches?

QFS offers advanced treatment technologies that provide a more compact footprint – especially attractive for package plants. For example, our GEM system is the next-generation floatation technology, requiring only 25% of the footprint compared to a conventional dissolved air floatation plant.

What key technologies does your company offer?

QFS’s focus on advanced technologies ensures that we offer world-leading solutions, proven and tested on the international market. Membrane-based technologies form the basis of our offering as these are the core treatment methods for alternative water Herman Smit Managing director Quality Filtration Systems (QFS) sources. For example, UF is the biggest growing membrane technology being offered also as an alternative to conventional treatments. Reverse osmosis (RO) also plays a big role in the solutions for water reuse and desalination.

What partnerships has your company established to amplify your product offerings?

QFS has formed valuable partnerships with international technology suppliers providing a pre-engineered solution. Locally, QFS partners with contractors to supply our technology package for bigger projects.

Can you briefly mention a recent case study where a packaged treatment plant produced high-quality effluent at a remote or otherwise unusual site?

We recently designed, engineered, manufactured, installed and commissioned a 3 Mℓ/day wastewater reuse plant in Ballito. Struck by drought, the seaside town needed water quickly, before the holiday season started in full swing. QFS selected sand filtration, UF, RO and chlorination technologies, among others, to provide a total, tailored, packaged solution. The plant adhered to its scheduled delivery and operation dates, as well as the relevant SANS drinking water standards.






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